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We have a skillset to learn from complex data and to control processes.

Skills & Methods

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

If you have the impression that AI has become a staple, please meet us for a conversation. We’d like to show you a few differences between what we do and what the rest of the world does.

Physical models

We are engaged in *modeling* real systems using a colorful variety of methods from classification to regression. Often, *understanding* helps creating and improving models for real systems in traffic, energy, or climate modeling. We try to our best to understand the working principles behind complex systems to build a most efficient model for the system under consideration.

And yes - this is related to the digital twin. However, we are able to model on the level of detail  needed to simulate structural and behavioural aspects of a system. In addtition, we are able to quantify uncertainties, given our data-based approches


Efficiency and simplicity implies constant check of how implementations are realized. In particular, redesigning complex algorithms reflects our striving for perfection.
Performance is, of course, a key issue, however when implementing algorithms, reusability, and extensibility are as important to be able to improve.

Refactoring existing software following clean code or functional principles is a pleasure for us - in particular if customers are pleased, too.

Check out our products for examples.


The most advanced data science methods are only as good as their implementation: User-friendliness, scalability and reliability decide whether your organization will gain competitive edge or not.
Our solutions will come packaged in state-of-the-art software applications, following clean code / clean architecture rules, or functional style, where suited. Technologies and components we use include:

  • C++, Scala, Python, JS
  • PostgreSQL, OracleDB, Cassandra, MongoDB, Elasticsearch
  • Beats, Kibana, Grafana, Prometheus
  • K8s, Kafka, Docker, Singularity
  • AWS, GCP, private clouds, Azure


We are agile coaches and live agile  development. Depending on the project we use Kanban, Scrum, Extreme Programming or scale up with SAFE.
Our Product- and Projectmanagers are educated using their agile mindset including appropriate use of tools.