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Data is your most valuable feedstock. Let's turn it into earnings

Data Platforms & Apps

Many organizations do not unearth all the treasures that lie within their data. It may come in a complex form from many different sources; it may be difficult to process automatically and in real time; intelligent analysis tools may be lacking; or it may fail to link data with business intelligence.


Intelligent data platforms, developed by Ambrosys, lay the foundations for making informed business decisions based on data, building competitive advantage from data, or tapping into additional revenue streams.


Our platforms and apps are scalable, secure, end-to-end integrated, and adhere to best DevOps & CI/CD practices.



How can your data earn you money?
Book a free consultation with our experts.


We will never, ever, share your contact data with anyone. On our data protection page, you can find out how we ensure that your data is handled respectfully.


See also -> Energy Asset Management Solutions

Data solutions: data lakes, data warehouses, data mesh …

Dashboards: reporting tools, performance tracking, data visualization


Connectivity solutions: APIs of any kind, data protocols, end-to-end integration

AI-driven forecasting tools: Forecasts of demand, production, load, price and many more

Predictive maintenance: ML-based scheduling by technical and financial parameters

Security solutions: Identity management, cloud security, secure APIs

Success stories

Questions and Answers

Which customers can Ambrosys help with data platforms & apps?

If you

  • deal with larger amounts of data of any kind
  • manage technical assets based on data
  • want to make informed decisions based on your data
  • look for convenient dashboards to monitor important parameters
  • want to provide stakeholders easy data access
  • wonder wether your data are already analyzed in the smartest possible way or
  • are interested in opportunities how to monetize your data

we’d consider you an ideal match for our skills.

Our customers for data platforms or apps can typically be found in the following industries and markets:

  • energy production or distribution
  • livestock farming
  • weather and climate forecasting
  • smart mobility and tolling
  • autnomomous driving
  • or many other others, e.g. in resource and task planning or asset management. Just talk to us how and where we can help.
How can I be sure that Ambrosys is the right partner before committing to a major project?

There are various ways to make your leap of faith a little easier. E.g. we start with a lightweight consulting project to design the concept - paid by the hour. Then, we complete an MVP at a fixed price. Several shared-risk options are possible in the case of long-term cooperation.

What is the best way of working together?

The most effective way we can work for you in the long run are our lifecycle teams. This means: The same dedicated team is responsible for development, deployment, operation, maintenance, scaling up and advancement of your system. This way, communication becomes smooth, motivation high on both sides, and bug fixing easy.

How do I know that quality standards will be met?

We go out of our way to train our teams in effective DevOps behaviors, as they make complex software systems reliable, adaptable and efficient. Among this set of best practices are continuous integration, continuous deployment, monitoring for rapid detection of deviations, and transparent versioning systems.