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There’s an easier and quicker way for most processes. Work smart, not hard

Automation & Optimization

The savings from doing a task in an automated way vs. doing it manually can easily reach a factor of 100 or beyond. But that’s only a part of the benefit. Automated processes are less error-prone, because they avoid human mistakes and biases.


Their benefits may come into play in delimited areas e.g. when you automate a single business logic process to save time and improve quality. However, the full benefits of automation are reaped by organizations that organize their entire IT around the paradigm of automation from the first line of code:

Best DevOps practices like Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment, Infrastructure as Code or automatic testing are the key to truely agile behavior. Outsource repetitive or boring tasks to automation and focus on creativity; keep your brain fresh to react to the changes in the world surrounding us! Safe and efficient routines of continuous development mean quicker customer feedback and happier customers.


Our teams are extensively trained in DevOps practices. For we take “C”ontinuous seriously and integrate code immediately after passing automated quality tests into the code base to deploy to production. This way, we were able to help customers in many different industries get their tasks done in a smarter, safer way.

DevOps integration: continuous integration / continuous deployment (CI/CD), infrastructure as code (IaC), automated testing frameworks, configuration management, monitoring and logging automation, deployment pipelines, automated security scanning, containerization and orchestration

Automated modeling: simulation modeling, predictive modeling, data-driven models

Automated task planning: workflow automation, resource allocation, multi-objective optimization


Advanced algorithms: optimization algorithms, heuristic methods, machine learning models

Physical models, a treasure trove to solve all sorts of complex problems that borrows from computational fluid dynamics, thermodynamic modeling, kinematic models, structural simulation and others.

Questions and Answers

Which customers can Ambrosys help with automation & optimization?

The short answer is: most anyone running IT operations on a serious scale will profit from getting things done in a smarter way.


If you

  • use manual work for tasks like complex data processing, large-scale modeling or scenario generation
  • prefer not to let human bias taint your results
  • look for fast but bullet-proof testing routines
  • want to impress your customers with fast, precise applications, delivering best results at low cost

we can show you ways to do economize work by automation.


If you

  • are unsure whether your systems perform as good and efficient as they possibly can
  • drag along a history of legacy code
  • deal with systems that are "organically" grown without a clear architecture
  • feel that maintenance is difficult and code integration and delivery is slow or error-prone
  • want to care less about your infrastructure and more about your business logic

we can help you bring your code to a state-of-the art level, hence improve speed and security and expand your competitive edge.

How can I be sure that Ambrosys is the right partner before committing to a major project?

There are various ways to make your leap of faith a little easier. E.g. we start with a lightweight consulting project to design the concept - paid by the hour. Then, we complete an MVP at a fixed price. Several shared-risk options are possible in the case of long-term cooperation.

What is the best way of working together?

The most effective way we can work for you in the long run are our lifecycle teams. This means: The same dedicated team is responsible for development, deployment, operation, maintenance, scaling up and advancement of your system. This way, communication becomes smooth, motivation high on both sides, and bug fixing easy.

How do I know that quality standards will be met?

We go out of our way to train our teams in effective DevOps behaviors, as they make complex software systems reliable, adaptable and efficient. Among this set of best practices are continuous integration, continuous deployment, monitoring for rapid detection of deviations, and transparent versioning systems.